Differential Diagnosis

:Hand pain includes the following:


  • Acupuncture:
    • Lu-5 (pain of shoulder, upper arm, tennis elbow, hand - relaxes sinews and activates channel [PIHMA]).
    • Liv-3 (corresponding leg point for radial hand pain) [Backer2010, pg 132].
    • GB-41 (corresponding leg point for ulnar hand pain) [Backer2010, pg 132].
    • St-41 & St-4 (corresponding leg point of dorsum of hand and outer arm) [Backer2010, pg 132].
    • Sp-6 (corresponding leg point of palm of hand and inner arm) [Backer2010, pg 132].
    • TB-5 (local point for carpal tunnel) [PIHMA].
